
Shhhh!!! I'm hiding from my homework....if anyone sees it, don't tell it where I am!!!

Week 3 of classes is coming to a close, since I'm taking minimester classes, that means that midterms are in the next week or so, and finals in another 4 weeks! Then I have just one class for the last half of the semester, and believe me, it will be a well needed break. I don't think I've ever had 4 classes at one time, and it takes quite a bit of motivation to keep up, which is not good when I'd rather be watching my stories on TV!

But anyway, I got some good news yesterday. Three weeks ago, I went for my first physical in 6 years. I'm never going again, just FYI, I came out with more diagnoses than I went in with. But I digress. My doctor thought that I may be experiencing problems with my gallbladder, so she sent me for an ultrasound. I finally found out yesterday that I will NOT have to have surgery to have my gallbladder removed, but she said there is a spot on my kidney that may be a kidney stone. Oh boy. If it's not one thing, it's something else! Never a dull moment. Hey, at least it keeps me entertained.

So, I finally got up the motivation today to do some homework. I've been trying to stay ahead of the work, one of my professors posted the assignments for the entire semester, so I'm trying to get them knocked out as quickly as possible. For the first half of the semester, he was nice and only gave us one chapter a week to complete. Then he apparently thought it would be a good idea to start giving us two chapters a week during the last half. Since my final project is due the last week, and according to the schedule I only have one week to do it, I'm trying to get ahead to give myself an extra cushion to get it done on time. Then there's the professor that only posts one week at a time, which drives me nuts. The "week" is supposed to start Monday morning, and it's an online class, so normally I would expect for the assignments to be posted at a reasonable time on Monday, like sometime in the morning. Well, last week, the assignments weren't up until Tuesday evening. Another irritation. But the thing that really gets under my skin about that class, is that she tests us on material we haven't even covered!! I went back and re-read the syllabus, and all the instructions for the course, and I'm not missing anything. There isn't any kind of web-activity we have to complete that magically gives us the answers! The class is a new one that they're requiring for graduation, called College Transfer Success. It's supposed to "help facilitate the transition from high school or full time work to community college". Anywho, I looked at our assignments and saw that the writing assignment was creating a "life plan", and the test was on professional etiquette. The life plan had no instructions whatsoever, so I'm thinking I'll just read the chapter, and it will explain what I need to do. Nope. The chapter was on understanding and accepting diversity in the college atmosphere. Great. So then I take the professional etiquette quiz. It has questions like "You're meeting with a client in your office and your boss walks in. What is the correct way to introduce them?", and "You're at a business luncheon, and the host makes a toast to you. How do you respond?" I have no idea!!! I think I managed to pull off an 85 on that quiz, but I'm definitely going to say something to the professor about it, I'm not going to fail this stupid class because she can't be bothered to give us the material we're going to be tested on.

Oh crap...I think my homework found me. Oh well, back to it, I guess. I've got one more test, and then I will officially be one week ahead of schedule, at least in a couple of my classes. Off I go!


  1. have to be talking about my non favorite idiot of a teacher i warned you about

  2. LOL yup!! And I'm really glad the online section opened up, because I think if I had to sit through a class and listen to that woman speak, I would gouge out my eyeballs with a fork.
