My parents have gone on vacation, once again, and left me here to take care of their pets and make sure the house doesn’t blow up. Not quite sure if I'm really the person to keep the latter from happening, but they seem to have faith in me, so whatever.
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Background pic from here, edited by me :) |
Most of the time when they go on vacation, I stay at my own apartment, sleep in my own bed, and come over to the house twice a day to feed the dog and cats, and make sure everything is okay. This time though, I decided to go ahead and stay at their house, partially because I hate driving out here twice a day, and partly because their house is about halfway between my apartment and school. You do the math.
It’s been nice, I have the house to myself, I have permission to eat any of their food that I want, and a nice king-size bed to sprawl out on.
The first couple days were great, I got up whenever I wanted to, watched whatever I wanted to on TV, had plenty to eat, and took good care of the pets. And if it had stayed that way, it would have been bliss!!
I think the dog and I realized the major flaw in this plan at about the same time. Apparently, she was expecting me to speak “dog”. In school, they taught me French and they taught me Spanish, but nowhere on any list did I see a class in which I could study dog, not even in college (and college has everything, right?). I can learn Latin, a language that’s not even spoken anymore, but I can’t learn dog. It's obvious that our educational system needs work.
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Image created by me :) |
These language barriers have caused the both of us a lot of undue stress. She obviously thinks that I should know the difference between “I need to go outside”, “Can we play?”, and “There’s a creepy stalker-guy outside with a pickaxe, call the police now”. There has been a lot of tension between us the past few days, because as long as she's not doing the “gotta pee” dance and crossing her legs, I go back to my schoolwork and ignore her, hoping she’ll leave me alone. She retaliates by going and getting in the bathtub and ignoring me, hoping that I’ll have some sort of epiphany and give in to her request.
Don't get me wrong, I've been loving on her, playing with her, and making sure she's fed, which is why I am completely flummoxed by her continued barking and whining. Something’s got to give though, maybe here in the next few days we can figure out some sort of rudimentry sign language or something, so that we don’t drive each other completely crazy.
aww she just misses her mommy give poor doggiez a break
ReplyDeleteI love the way you express yourself :) My dad's dog Misty has been dubbed "Miss Four-legged Neurosis" because when dad's gone she won't come in the house. I have to put her food outside in the garage and go all the way in the house with the door shut. She likes me ok when he's home, but if he's away fuhgeddaboudit!
ReplyDeleteMisty...just cuz she misses her mommy doesn't give her an excuse to act like a brat LOL
ReplyDeletelynoth...thank you! That's too funny about the dog! My parents' dog used to be silly about eating too...if you fed her then left the house or left her out on the deck, she wouldn't eat. We left her with a sitter once while we went on vacation, and she hardly ate the entire week!